Sunday, October 30, 2011

Right Up the Spine

Well, things have changed. Since I last wrote, a number of things have changed. I can't really say that they were a result of reading Lady Chatterley's Lover, but that book did get my brain going in ways I didn't expect.
Earlier this week, I played a quickie show on no sleep. I didn't know how I was going to survive the process, but watching the video later reaffirmed my faith in my abilities. The guy who booked me even wrote me afterwards to thank me for playing the show again. If they're ever looking for a guy who looks like a strung-out meth-head to sing about creative stagnation and corporate greed, I'm set.
I've been getting the NaNoWriMo e-mails again. I did try to write last year -- it was another result of life stress providing inspiration. I would write at night, clicking my laptop keys and hoping that they wouldn't wake her up. Of course, the cycle would go through and things would be okay. And I forgot all the work I did and all the emotions I had. It's a shame, because I really enjoyed the world I had created. Seemed so wrong to leave it unfinished.
I think I'm going to try something completely different this year. I have an idea for a tv series that I always knew I would have to wait to try. People don't want to commit to big ideas unless there is big money involved. But I don't have to convince anyone to commit to a book.
Now, to contemplate shrews.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Boy, did I forget about this blog or what?

I got an e-mail from Tamatha telling me that my review -- my only review, sad to say -- was going to be posted on Pajiba this Friday. Ecstatic? You betcha! Then...
hang on, that's for the cb-iii. i signed up for that at the beginning of the year, i even had other reviews saved on my hard drive. i read a ton of books this year! what happened?
Life got in the way, is what happened. Last year, I felt that my guitar playing and performing had become non-existent. I worked out a deal with a friend of mine to host an improv show every week, the songbird of the bar. I told myself I would come up with something different to do every week.
I'm pretty sure that for a few months, I had the two things juggled. I was playing music again and consuming books in the way that I loved. And thanks to the surprise Kindle I received for a previous Christmas, it was easier to take a bundle of books with me. Even if they were public domain and occasionally trash, it was still something to read.

And then March happened.
and I didn't feel like reading anymore.
Then July happened.
And I stopped wanting to play music.
And now, it's October.
I'm in the middle of working an almost 50-hour week, I'm about to undergo a major relationship change, I've become an uncle, and I feel drowned.