Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Boy, did I forget about this blog or what?

I got an e-mail from Tamatha telling me that my review -- my only review, sad to say -- was going to be posted on Pajiba this Friday. Ecstatic? You betcha! Then...
hang on, that's for the cb-iii. i signed up for that at the beginning of the year, i even had other reviews saved on my hard drive. i read a ton of books this year! what happened?
Life got in the way, is what happened. Last year, I felt that my guitar playing and performing had become non-existent. I worked out a deal with a friend of mine to host an improv show every week, the songbird of the bar. I told myself I would come up with something different to do every week.
I'm pretty sure that for a few months, I had the two things juggled. I was playing music again and consuming books in the way that I loved. And thanks to the surprise Kindle I received for a previous Christmas, it was easier to take a bundle of books with me. Even if they were public domain and occasionally trash, it was still something to read.

And then March happened.
and I didn't feel like reading anymore.
Then July happened.
And I stopped wanting to play music.
And now, it's October.
I'm in the middle of working an almost 50-hour week, I'm about to undergo a major relationship change, I've become an uncle, and I feel drowned.

1 comment:

  1. It was a good review. And got a lot of comments (for a CBR post). And I think how you started your review really drew people in. So, i thought it was a win.

    Hope you feel more like reading (even if it's not for a CBR) and playing music in the future.
